Friday, May 31, 2013

Shar Fin Crisis by Siwoo Kim

  • Free
  • Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac.
  • Category: Graphic Novels
  • Published: 14 May 2013
  • Publisher: Moon Stealers Publishing
  • Seller: Moon Stealers Publishing
  • Print Length: 29 Pages
  • Language: English

  Do you know shark finning is practice of catching a shark, slicing off its fins, and dumping the still living shark back into the ocean? The shark that is dumped into the water gets drowned or gets shred into pieces by other sharks.

Author of this comic book, Siwoo Kim is 11 years old boy. He had a graduation exhibition about animal right, and this book is one of his taking action for whom weren’t at his exhibition. He wanted to tell others about shark fin crisis that is going around the world, so we can stop shark finning. This book is about how sharks die because of us for shark fin soup. 

14 May 2013

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